The Italian Cultural Institute is pleased to present Annalisa Andreoni’s conference “La lingua più bella. Opinioni di scrittori, artisti e gente comune sull’italiano” during the XVIII Week of the Italian Language in the World. The theme for the week of the Italian language of 2018 is “L’italiano e la rete, le reti per l’italiano“. The conference is organized under high patronage of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella and in cooperation with the Université de Montréal.
Wednesday, October 17th, 18:15pm
Université de Montréal
Carrefour des arts et des sciences
Pavillon Lionel-Groulx, Salle C-3061
3150, rue Jean-Brillant
Free entrance
For ages the Italian language has meant beauty, musicality and expression of feelings for artists, writers and normal people who are either mother tongue or just students. The aim of this conference is to show opinions and points of vue of people who have glorified the beauty of this language, like John Keats, Osip Mandel’štam, Thomas Mann, Dianne Hales, Elizabeth Gilbert. The analysis of their writings will allow us to understand the historical and linguistic factors that have contributed to this sentiment.
Annalisa Andreoni is associate professor of Italian Literature at the IULM University in Milan. In 1995 she graduated from Classic Letters at the University of Pisa, where she also got her doctorate degree in Italian Studies in 2001. She was a University of Zurich scholar between 1999 and 2000 and Fellow at “Villa I Tatti“, The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies in Florence between 2007 and 2008. Since 1998 she has taken part to a number of national and international conference as speaker or organizer. She is co-director of both Nuova Rivista di Letteratura Italana and the collection Alla giornata. Studi e testi di letteratura italiana. Furthermore, she is member of the Società italiana di Studi sul secolo Diciottesimo (Italian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies) and of the Associazione degli Italianisti (Italianist Association). Mrs. Andreoni’s scientific studies focus on the literature and culture of the Italian Renaissance, the Enlightenment and recently, on the Italian literature in the digital era too. She wrote plenty of essays and the books: Omero italico. Favole antiche e identità nazionale tra Vico e Cuoco (Jouvence, 2003); V. Cuoco, Platone in Italia. Traduzione dal greco, (Laterza, 2006 e 2013); La via della dottrina. Le lezioni accademiche di Benedetto Varchi, (ETS, 2012); Esercizi di lettura per Marco Santagata (Il Mulino, 2017). Her last book Ama l’italiano. Segreti e meraviglie della lingua più bella, (PIEMME, 2017) has been considered a real success by both public and press.